It is also well known that TB is highly correlated with poverty level. , Moreover, Bandar Lampung is located in the fifth poorest province in Indonesia. , Bandar Lampung has been recorded as one of the cities, in Indonesia, with a high rate of TB incidence, and with 2056 cases in 2016 compared to the 1,195 cases in the year 2012. The number of incidences in 2016 was about twice the number in 2012. Indonesia has also struggled with an escalation of the rate of TB incidence. Indonesia is a country with the third highest rate of tuberculosis (TB) incidence in the world. Prediction model of tuberculosis transmission based on its risk factors and socioeconomic position in Indonesia.
How to cite this URL: Rengganis Wardani DW, Wahono EP. How to cite this article: Rengganis Wardani DW, Wahono EP. Keywords: prediction model, risk factors, socioeconomic position determinants, tuberculosis The findings will improve TB control programs, especially in low- and middle-income countries with high-socioeconomic disparity. These programs should be supported by health institutions and other related institutions.

Conclusions: TB control program should be integrated with education improvement, a reduction of housing density index, and strengthened examinations of internal house contacts. They also show that education, housing density index, and internal house transmission are the strongest indicators in explaining their associated latent variables. Results: Determinants of socioeconomic position through housing determinants significantly influence TB transmission with R 2of 42.3%. Statistical Analysis Used: Data analyzed using the partial least square method.

The data were collected through in-depth interviews. Subjects and Methods: The latent variables consisted of the following: socioeconomic position, housing, nutritional, healthcare access, and TB transmission, which was measured through corresponding indicators. Settings and Design: This cross-sectional study, conducting in January–November 2017, included 166 samples of smear-positive TB patients collected from 30 community health centers across the city that had implemented DOTS strategy. Aims: The aim of this study is to identify the significance of socioeconomic position and TB risk factors to TB transmission, particularly in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

Context: The current evidence shows that people in low-socioeconomic positions tend to be at high risk for tuberculosis (TB) transmission.